Saturday, October 6, 2018

° what brands do you admire

Value deliver feature

Value Deliver Works value deliver reviews

° Who is a personal hero of yours?

° How would your peers describe you?

° What would your work colleagues be surprised to learn about you?

° What was the last book you didn’t finish? What prevented you from finishing it?

° If you could have any superpower you could imagine, what would it be? Why?

° If the “voice in your head” giving you advice was a cartoon character, who would it be? (For the record, mine would be Velma from Scooby-Doo, but I don’t always listen to her.)

° What brands do you admire? Why

° When deciding to spend $500, you are most likely to (pick one):

° Carefully evaluate all my options using a spreadsheet to weigh them

° Whip out the debit card and ask questions later

° Consult with my network to verify the quality of my options

Motivators and Priorities

Understanding what is important to your buyer is essential to building an offering that is compelling. When this portion of a persona is well researched it’s easy to go through a list of all your benefits and capabilities and select the value messages that are most likely to resonate for a particular audience.


° What are you most proud of achieving in the last 12 months?

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