most of them like to steal the credit for your work
If you think the answer to that one is yes, then go to work tomorrow and ask him. You better finish this book fast, though, because tomorrow night you are coming home with a cardboard box full of your stuff.
In my twenties, I worked for a host of bosses, and fortunately I had a few great ones. They were the exceptions, not the rule. Most bosses are nice enough people. Plenty of them are incompetent to one degree or another. Most of them like to steal the credit for your work. But overall, they aren’t evil.
At the end of the day, it’s every man for himself in the office. If your boss has to choose between firing you and quitting, he’s going to terminate you every time. Your boss goes to work for one reason - to make money. It’s the same reason that you go to work. He’s there for himself.
When you start to assume that your boss cares about you on an emotional level, you open yourself up to some serious heartbreak. When the money stops flowing, it doesn’t matter how much he likes you - you’re out the door.
It’s time to stop thinking of your boss as your life raft or even your lifejacket. If the ship starts sinking, you are going to find out just how cold the Atlantic gets in the winter.